The King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the longest of the venomous land snakes, growing up to 18.5 feet (5.7 meters) in length. Because they are slender, however, these snakes usually do not exceed 20 kg (44 lb). The snake's venom is a powerful neurotoxin known to be frequently fatal to humans. The mortality rate in King Cobra bites is 75%. Although called a Cobra it does not belong to the same genus (Naja) as "true" cobras. The King Cobra is peculiar in that it feeds almost exclusively on other snakes, which is reflected in its genus name of Ophiophagus (Snake eater). The King Cobra is known to attack larger snakes, including pythons. In spite of the King Cobra's fearsome reputation, it is generally a shy and reclusive animal, avoiding confrontation with people as much as possible. There are many smaller venomous snakes within this species' range that are responsible for a far greater number of fatal snake bites.
Like cobras, the king cobra lifts around a third of its body off the ground, makes a hood, and hisses loudly when it feels threatened. A fully-grown King Cobra would therefore be able to stare at a standing human directly in the eye, making it a terrifying sight and giving it a near-mythical reputation as a deadly snake.
King Cobra Snake Pictures:

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